Need to have at least one pint of Guinness today and here are all the places in town you need to hit up.

Saint Patrick's Day is one of my favorite holidays of the entire year. Kinda salty I have to work late tonight, but I guess I will have to get my drink on this weekend. When it comes to Saint Patrick's Day, we can argue what's the best Irish shot. To me though, it's no debate when it comes to the beer.

"But there's nothing that's squeezed from the grape or the hop
Like the black liquidation with the froth on the top"

That would of course be the iconic Guinness. I know some people are intimidated by Guinness the first time they see one because it looks like a heavy beer. They go down so smooth and you have to have at least one today. So here are the bars and restaurants that serve Guinness in Wichita Falls.

Where to Get a Guinness in Wichita Falls?

Whether it's Saint Patrick's Day or just a chill Friday night. Where can you get a Guinness in Wichita Falls, I took the liberty of breaking it down for you. Check out the full list below.

Where Would Your Favorite Mario Characters Hang Out in Wichita Falls?

Today I decided to be a big old nerd and think of where all of the Mario Kart 64 characters would hang out in our city. Check it out below.

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