When you say 'Food Fight' most people think of creamy mashed potatoes flying across the room to splatter spectacularly on someone else's hair.

This is not that kind of food fight.

This is a community banding together to fight against hunger.

The Junior League of Wichita Falls has partnered with the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank for the 6th Annual 'Food Fight' to gather food items and fight hunger this Saturday at United Market Street.

Junior League of Wichita Falls via Facebook
Junior League of Wichita Falls via Facebook

Representatives from the Junior League will be at Market Street from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. accepting your donations. Not only will you be helping those less fortunate in our community, but there are bragging rights on the line as well. The Junior League of Wichita Falls is in competition with the Junior League of Lawton, Oklahoma, to see which group can raise the most donations for their local food bank. That's why it's called a 'Food Fight."

No matter which city collects the most, the real winners are the area food banks and those they serve. The last 12 months have seen a large increase in demand and the food banks in both Wichita Falls and Lawton are constantly trying to keep their own shelves filled so they can fill the shelves of others.

The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank would love your donations any time, but if you want to help the Junior League of Wichita Falls beat the Junior League of Lawton make your donation during the 'Food Fight' this Saturday between 9:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at United Market Street at the corner of Kell and Fairway.

When some people think 'Food Fight' they think of Jello and whipped cream dripping off someone else's face. When the Junior League of Wichita Falls thinks 'Food Fight' they think about putting healthy meals on someone else's plate.

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