
Local School Makes Rap Video
Local School Makes Rap Video
Local School Makes Rap Video
The staff at Booker T. Washington Elementary School in Wichita Falls have created a rap video starring their own Mr. Chris Evans to motivate kids to study and raise money for a new playground.
Most Oklahoma Rap Video Ever
Most Oklahoma Rap Video Ever
Most Oklahoma Rap Video Ever
Between rhymes about carbon emissions, doing doughnuts, lift kits, and 4-wheel drive, the Lawton MC makes references to haters, Nascar, and country singer Alan Jackson.
Kids Talking Like DJ Khaled Is Surprisingly Motivational [VIDEO]
Kids Talking Like DJ Khaled Is Surprisingly Motivational [VIDEO]
Kids Talking Like DJ Khaled Is Surprisingly Motivational [VIDEO]
Do you need something to give you that little extra push to get through the day? Looking for the ways you can make a small change and have success? Need some words of advise to help you help yourself? This may be the video for you!

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