I'm a pretty polite person. I was raised with manners. Because of this, there are certain things I try to do at all times. One of those things is holding the door open for someone who is walking behind me. It's just the right thing to do, right?

Recently, I've learned that I may be doing it wrong. You see, after holding the door, the other person typically says, "Thank you." My general response is to say, "No problem." In the last couple of weeks I've seen a few Facebook posts from friends of mine saying that my response is rude. Apparently, I am supposed to answer with, "You're Welcome."

For the last week, I've been trying this out and I have to say, it feels weird. When I say, "No problem," it feels like I'm expressing the fact that what I did is what everyone should do. I didn't do anything out of the norm. I would expect that anyone in my situation would also hold the door.

By saying, "You're welcome," I feel like I did it solely to receive the praise from that person. It feel like instead of just being a good person, I'm someone who wants something in return. I feel like I'm being condescending toward the person instead of just doing what any person who wasn't born in a barn would do in the same situation.

This seems to be a generational thing. I've noticed on Facebook comments that the divide seems to be that younger people like saying 'No problem' and people older than Generation X seem to be the ones who find that rude. In my mind, saying "no problem" is just me shortening "It's really no problem, I'm more than happy to be polite." Whereas they seem to think "no problem" means "you inconvenienced me but I'm not going to be openly rude about it."

Like I said, I've been making an effort to change my terminology recently. I'm going to continue this for awhile and see if anything changes in my mind. What's your opinion? Take our poll below and let us know and leave a comment with any of your thoughts on the debate.


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