Captain Jack

Unnerving Polaroid Photos Discovered in Abandoned Rockford, Illinois Factory
Urban Explorers find bizarre and creepy Polaroid photos inside an abandoned Rockford, Illinois factory.

No One In Illinois Can Agree Which College Town Hides This Abandoned Apartment Complex
This is a video of an abandoned apartment complex, buried in the woods, somewhere in Illinois. Those who've viewed it have narrowed it down to a college town, but can't agree where exactly it is.

5 Rockford, Illinois UFO Sightings That You Will Struggle to Explain
Here are five different possible UFO sightings right here in Rockford.

In 1974 The Green Bay Packers Drafted a Man Suspected of Being One of the Most Violent Murderers in US History
The man now suspected of being the notorious I-5 Killer once played football professionally for the Green Bay Packers.