Kate Erbland

Adam Sandler Recalls How Much Chris Farley Used to Eat at SNL
Now give this a chance. It might sound boring – Adam Sandler talks about food with Conan O’Brien – but the former Saturday Night Live stars (Sandler was, of course, a cast member, while O’Brien as a long-time writer) have some pretty tall tales to share about their time on the show, specifically as it applies to meals.

Watch ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ Star Jamie Dornan Read From the Book, With a Twist
As part of a segment he likes to call “Fifty Accents,” host Jimmy Fallon set Dornan up with a “randomly chosen” (sure) accent and a passage from the E.L. James book that became a “global phenomenon.” It's both raunchy and weird, but at least it shows off a little bit of Dornan's range in a way that's (mostly) PG.

Will Smith and Jimmy Fallon Rapped “It Takes Two” Together on ‘The Tonight Show’
Thank goodness for iPad apps. On last night's 'Tonight Show,' host Jimmy Fallon -- who grows more California by the minute, as the show has temporarily relocated to the West Coast -- and guest Will Smith decided to finally give the people what they want: rapping. Well, sort of.

‘The Tonight Show’ Hosted a Star-Studded Round of ‘Password’
Sigh. 'The Tonight Show' temporarily moves to Los Angeles -- Hollywood, Tinsel Town, The Big Grapefruit, only one of those is a real nickname -- and is suddenly just flooded with random star power. Zzzzz.

Watch Katy Perry, Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, and More Read Mean Tweets
Celebrities have feelings, too. Even when you think you're just talking random smack about them in the wide world of the internet (web?), you're still talking random smack about real people. If you're tweeting mean stuff? They might see it. And it might hurt them.

Watch Jimmy Fallon Recreate ‘The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air’ Opening Sequence
For the next week, 'The Tonight Show' is chilling in sunny Los Angeles -- the frigid cold of New York City, quite understandably, finally got to the crew, and also this has been planned for months -- and host Jimmy Fallon has spared no creative expense when it comes to making his temporarily Hollywood-based show look California cool. And we all know there's only one way to really drive home CA styling: 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air.'

Will Ferrell, Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon in the Biggest Lip Sync Battle Ever
Did you watch the Super Bowl last night? No, no, not the one with the footballs and Gatorade and stuff, the one with Will Ferrell and Kevin Hart and Jimmy Fallon and the most eye-popping, gut-busting lip sync battle ever? That's the only "big game" we need.

Watch Channing Tatum Be Reunited on Live Television With His Childhood Best Friend
Channing Tatum was very lonely as a child. So lonely, in fact, that the guy -- now America's sweetheart, one of the world's most popular actors, and an international sex symbol -- had to go searching for friends in offbeat places. That's how he found Boyd, his imaginary friend, and don't you dare say he invented him, okay, Boyd was real.

Watch Jimmy Fallon and Jennifer Aniston Flip Lips, To Terrifying Effect
Jimmy Fallon's 'Lip Flip' must be stopped. It has to end. Sure, the technology that drives this particular 'Tonight Show' segment is vaguely impressive (there are lips! and then they get flipped!), and Fallon and his various guests appear to have a good time pretending to talk out of each other's mouths, but the final execution is so terrifying, so weird, that it can only do one thing: cause nightmares.

Chris Hemsworth Gets Soaking Wet on ‘The Tonight Show’ Water Wars
It's Water War! Jimmy Fallon's most bizarre and icy cold game yet! A game of chance, and um, hydration, Water War pits the 'Tonight Show' host against an especially down-for-whatever guest (after all, what sort of person would be okay with having water poured all over them on national television? a cool one, that's who!) in a battle to see who can get more soaking, sopping wet. That's the aim of the game, right? No? Then 'Blackhat' star Chris Hemsworth lost? What kind of world is this?!

Watch Jimmy Fallon Realize That He Blew a Chance to Date Nicole Kidman
Kidman and Fallon have previously met—all celebrities know each other, obviously—but while Fallon remembered their years-ago hang as a sort of weirdly casual thing, Kidman recalls it a bit differently. For Kidman, it was a romantic prospect, and the look on Fallon's face when he realizes what might have been is genuinely priceless. You really blew this one, Fallon.

Watch Bradley Cooper Show Off His Oddly Impressive Air Guitar Chops
Like many of us, 'Tonight Show' host Jimmy Fallon appears to believe that Hollywood superstar Bradley Cooper can do anything -- and, based on his impressive resume of stage and screen roles and accolades, the guy can't be too off the mark. But there is one that Cooper isn't so great at: music. It's sort of surprising, really, and even the overly solicitous Fallon was a little dumbstruck when Cooper admitted that his musical talents are minimal on last night's show.