Matt WardlawMatt Wardlaw is the host of Ultimate Classic Rock Nights. He loves vinyl and believes that the compact disc is still a worthy format. Right now, he's probably reading some liner notes.
How Sean Penn Became ‘Spicoli’ in ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’How Sean Penn Became ‘Spicoli’ in ‘Fast Times at Ridgemont High’Cameron Crowe reveals how the actor nailed the stoner surfer's most famous line.
The Night William Shatner Fought WWE Star Jerry LawlerThe Night William Shatner Fought WWE Star Jerry Lawler"I knew it was fake, but I didn't realize how fake it is," Shatner tells UCR, regarding wrestling.
How Twisted Sister Ended Up in ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’How Twisted Sister Ended Up in ‘Pee-wee’s Big Adventure’Dee Snider credits the late Paul Reubens with giving him "the bug" to make movies.
How Harry Shearer Found the Voice of ‘The Simpsons” Mr. BurnsHow Harry Shearer Found the Voice of ‘The Simpsons” Mr. Burns"It's fun doing a character that's pure evil," the actor tells UCR.
When Danny Elfman Met the Wrath of Beavis and Butt-HeadWhen Danny Elfman Met the Wrath of Beavis and Butt-HeadComposer recalls unexpected skirmish with animated duo and shares 2022 plans in an exclusive interview.
Dusty Hill Remembers Causing Trouble on ‘Back to the Future III’ Set: Exclusive InterviewDusty Hill Remembers Causing Trouble on ‘Back to the Future III’ Set: Exclusive InterviewDusty Hill recalls the night when ZZ Top shot their cameo in 'Back to the Future III.'