Mike Adams

More Workers Want Extra Cash Rather Than a Holiday Party — Dollars and Sense
More employees wish their employers would just skip the holiday party this Christmas season and show their appreciation with cold hard cash instead, according to a recent survey by career site Glassdoor.

AT&T Employees File Suit Claiming Company Places ‘Heavy Restrictions’ on Lunch Breaks
More and more employers are now encouraging lunch breaks as a means for promoting health and creativity. However, workers for AT&T in Indiana claim the only thing creative about their lunch break is the “heavy restrictions” the company is putting on them.

Man Sets Toilet on Fire in the Name of Religion
We have all had semi-religious experiences in the bathroom that could have benefited from the lighting of a match. However, a Kentucky man might have taken that concept a little too far over the weekend, when he set an entire toilet on fire in the name of religion.

Eight Badminton Players Disqualified from the Olympics for Intentionally Losing Matches
We have all heard of boxers throwing a fight to make a big payday with the bookies, but now it appears as if badminton players are involved in the same racket — and it’s getting them tossed out of the Olympics.

Man Spends $90,000+ On Sex Change To Look Like Britney Spears
A 26-year-old Britney Spears fan has spent more than $90,000 to look like the pop queen.

Man Impaled on Fence After Dodging Out on Bar Tab
There is no joy in having to pay a large bar tab, especially when there seems to be a discrepancy with the bill. However, it is well advised to just pay it – because there is even less joy in having to be removed from a fence after you impale yourself while attempting to pull the old “drink and dash” routine.

Survey Reveals People Have Already Begun Christmas Shopping — Have You?
While it is still too hot outside for most people to get into the holiday spirit, new research suggests that more people are already trying to beat the Black Friday rush by getting a jump start on their holiday shopping.

School Courts Controversy After It Tells Bullied Gay Student to ‘Tone It Down’
A school in southern Sweden is under fire after telling a female student to “tone down” her homosexuality after she complained she was being bullied for her sexual orientation.

How Did Jennifer Aniston Help Authorities Bring a Deadbeat Dad to Justice?
A starry-eyed deadbeat dad searching for his big break was ordered to pay more that $32,000 in back child support after being cast in a movie with Jennifer Aniston.
The only hitch? There was no movie.

Airline Passenger Forced to Sit Next to a Corpse, Has Trouble Getting a Refund – Is It Fair?
The next time someone dies sitting next to you on a commercial flight, you might receive a partial refund. Key word, “might.”
According to a report in a Swedish newspaper, a woman was forced to sit next to a dead man aboard a Kenya Airways flight after the he allegedly died shortly after take off.

Be Careful — The Soap You Use to Clean Your Child May Lead to a Positive Marijuana Test
Most people are aware by now that there are some everyday health and hygiene products on the market that can cause a positive result on a drug screen in adults — but in newborns?

What Are the Most Shoplifted Items in America?
It appears that in the wake of a weak economy shoplifting has become more widespread than it was just under a decade ago.