National News

Studies Show Tornado Alley May Have Shifted Eastward
Studies Show Tornado Alley May Have Shifted Eastward
Studies Show Tornado Alley May Have Shifted Eastward
A new study is out and being reported on CBS News/Yahoo News that the old middle of the US, North Texas into Oklahoma and Kansas we have always referred to as "Tornado Alley" has shifted to the East. How far, and who is in its sites now?
Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
Is Kate Middleton Receiving Cancer Treatment in Houston, Texas?
The internet is buzzing about Kate Middleton again, but this time there are reports that she has been spotted in Houston, Texas, assuming she is receiving cancer treatment. But the consensus is agreed that no matter where the Princess of Wales is receiving cancer treatment, it's important that the American public and paparazzi respect her privacy.

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