Cowboy True Rides Into the J S Bridwell Ag Center March 27th & 28th
Back in 2012, artist Dan Shores approached the Kemp Center for the Arts with an idea: launching a true cowboy art exhibit in Wichita Falls. Dan has been making spurs, bits and metal art for years. He’d attended shows and festivals across Texas that featured cowboy themed art pieces and thought it was high time Texoma had one, too. A committee was formed and plans were set into motion.
The first Cowboy True Art Exhibit and Auction was held at the Kemp at the Forum on Speedway Ave. in Wichita Falls. The venue, which itself was built buy some of the ranching and oil pioneers of Wichita Falls, seemed the perfect spot to host such an exhibit. Immediately, the event outgrew the legendary venue. So, beginning in 2013, the event was moved to the J.S. Bridwell Ag Center. Cowboy True has grown every year since and has caught the attention of art buyers, the media and, of course, some of the most talented artists in America.
I sat down recently with Dan to talk about the 2015 Cowboy True Art Exhibit and Auction coming up March 27-28 at the Bridwell. It's free to the public Friday evening and Saturday from 10am to 5pm. Get your tickets for the Saturday evening dinner and auction here.
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