Imagine this -- you record an airing of 'Lilo and Stitch' because your kids love that movie and want to watch it all the time. Now imagine that while your children are watching what you prerecorded, the screen goes fuzzy and produces a scene from a porn flick instead. Traumatizing, right? Well, this is exactly what happened to one family in Fairview, NC.

Georgie Brown, a mother of three -- two sons, 2 and 5, and a daughter, 3 -- was letting her kids watch the Disney film she recorded from the Disney Channel through Dish Network while she sat working in the room next door. Then the worst happened.

"I just heard things that probably shouldn't be on Lilo or Stitch," she told FOX Carolina News. By the time she walked back into the living room to see what was happening, her 5-year-old had run away from the TV screaming, "I didn't do it," while her 3-year-old sat crying on the couch in front of a scene depicting a man and woman having sex.

Brown recorded the movie three days prior and a closer look at the program's information page confirmed it indeed was supposed to record 'Lilo and Stitch.' But after only a minute into the film, an alert box appeared, saying, "part of the recorded event has been lost due to signal loss," the screen pixelated and the explicit depiction commenced. Six minutes later, 'Lilo and Stitch' continued as normal.

"I've been in the TV industry for 15 years and I've never once seen that," said Dish Network Contractor David Guttey, but doesn't believe this was Brown's fault. Unfortunately, while the family is waiting for Dish Network's response to the problem, Brown is trying to help her children deal with the problem. It doesn't make matters any better that they all mimicked what they saw.

So far, Dish Network had this to say: "We have technology in place to help ensure we deliver the content that subscribers want to watch. We are working with various partners and our customers to better understand what occurred."

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