Watch: Some Rascal Rode a Snowmobile Around Downtown Wichita Falls, TX
If you're like me, you've been fascinated by all the videos pouring in from around North Texas documenting the icy roads, thundersnow, and general snow day shenanigans.

Well, I'm pretty sure yu haven't seen the video at the end of this article, because I shot it myself, and most of us aren't Facebook friends. But first, just in case you missed them, here are a few of the wilder videos you might have missed.
16-foot airboat on a road in Princeton
Why not pull out your toys on a snow day, right? If the good lord didn't want you to whip out your airboat when it's icy, he wouldn't have made ice so slippery.
This guy looks like he's having a blast! How 'bout that spin move?
A kid getting dragged around in a laundry basket
I mean, this is what dads are for right? Look at the expression on that kid's face. Pure bliss. This is a memory he'll cherish for his entire life. If he remembers it at all, that is. Children's brains are pretty much run by their subconscious until around the age of 7 or 8, which is why it's so easy for them to learn languages, music, etc. It's also why you don't have that many memories from before then.
Father of the year right there!
Drone footage of a major traffic jam in Rockwall
This one is not a "feel good" video. These poor folks were stuck on the highway for hours, some running out of gas, with no help in site.
This is one of my biggest fears, getting stuck in a traffic jam in severe weather.
Cars sliding on the highway
Another one that isn't fun. If your car has ever gone into a slide, you know how terrifying that can be.
Shadowy figure pilots snowmobile in Wichita Falls
I took this video myself. Have you ever had a common word just escape your brain? I couldn't think of the word snowmobile to safe my life.
SNOWMOBILE, MORON. The word is snowmobile.