Flag Van Driving Across the Country Makes Stop in Wichita Falls, Texas
Over the next week or so you might see a giant flag driving down the road. Here's the story on this unique vehicle.
Spreading Patriotism One State at a Time
This morning I had the pleasure to speak with Irvin Pelton Jr. Over the past four and a half years he has had a goal. To travel to all fifty states spreading patriotism and helping out veterans in all fifty states. Well Irvin made his way to state number forty this week and that would be the great state of Texas. The good news is that he is doing what he can to help folks right here in Wichita Falls, Texas.
Check Out Irvin's Wichita Falls Video Below
I happened to see Irvin's video above and decided to look more into this unique van traveling across the country. From a distance, it just looks like a giant American flag. As you get closer, you will see that it has signatures and messages on it. Mainly folks thanking a veteran they know for their service or maybe it was a veteran themselves signing. As I talked with Irvin today, it seems like he just wants to bring some good in this world. We got enough negativity so I like what he is doing.
Flag Van Will Be in Wichita Falls til December 16th
So Irvin will be in town for just over a week. Looking for any volunteer work. He has reached out to Faith Mission to give anybody that wants a free haircut. Which he has done in many states before Texas. However, he has volunteered in other ways. Cooking meals and actually painting rooms at another mission in the country. I told Irvin to reach out to Base Camp Lindsey since they directly help out our veterans in North Texas.
Flag Van Off to Louisiana Next
Irivin told me once his time in Wichita Falls is complete, state 41 will be Louisiana. I wish Irvin the best of luck on his journey. He told me his goal was to have this done in five to six years. Since he only has ten states to go after us and has been doing this for four and a half. I think he has a pretty good shot of finishing this journey. Follow The Flag Van on Facebook for more and don't be shocked if you see it driving around Wichita Falls over the next week.
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