As the saying goes "Everything is bigger (and better) in Texas" and inventions from the Lone Star State are no exception to this boastful claim.

Texans have had their hands on some of the most ground-breaking inventions of all time and you're probably enjoying those inventions to this day, some more than others.

READ MORE: Unveiling The Most Dangerous Cities in Texas

While chili and Frito Lay seem to be a totally Texas thing, you might be surprised that things like Ruby Red Grapefruit, Whole Foods, and Mary Kay Cosmetics came from Texans. Other items from our great state include the Topsy Tail (girls will understand this) and the Integrated Circuit Board.

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From culinary innovations and businesses to medical breakthroughs and technology advancements, these inventions from Texas have helped shape our world as we know it today.

LOOK: 10 Inventions That Came from Texas

Gallery Credit: Chaz

The list doesn't end there as many other great things have come out of the Lone Star State like Whataburger, Shiner Beer, Big Red, and more. Die-hard sports fans know that the wishbone formation and the "veer offense" all came out of Texas.

From technology and medicine to food and energy, the inventions that have come out of Texas have had a lasting impact on our society.

Best Things About Texas

The truth is, you don't even have to be from Texas to appreciate and enjoy the awesome things the Lone Star State has to offer. But, if you are from Texas, you know these are some of the greatest perks on the planet to enjoy.

LOOK: Texans Love These Things More Than Their Mama

Gallery Credit: Chaz