What’s The Most Popular Fast Food In The State Of Texas
Do you know what Texans crave the most?
What's The Category?
I guess we'll start by narrowing things down. So are Texans crazy for pizza, wings, burgers, burritos, hot dogs, or even fish? I think we'd be a disappointment to America if the answer wasn't something involving beef. So yeah, burgers rule the roost in the Lone Star State.
What's The Question?
The question and answer are summed up in the question, "What's the most popular fast food in each state?". Allrecipies.com put forth this question and the answers were revealed by finding out what fast food places were searched for the most. In Texas, there was a clear winner with over 7 million searches
What's The Delay In Answering?
I've been giving you clues all along, the answer is Whataburger! I have to give props to Whataburger but for a second there I thought it was going to be close. The graphic on the allrecipies.com site showed another popular choice "Sonic" but apparently that was some type of "red herring" thrown into the graphic just to get us wondering.
What Are Neighbors Thinking?
According to the same survey, Oklahomans are very fond of Braum's, and New Mexico has a ton of searches for Blake's Lotaburger. I have never heard of Blake's, but I'll certainly be on the lookout the next time I visit the Land Of Enchantment.
Wait, What?
So of course I'm sitting here in Texas in the middle of Whataburger/Sonic and even Wendy's country, and I understand why these chains are so popular. I then thought, what's the weirdest entry on the list (at least to me)? Though there are many places I haven't heard of, the entry that was the oddest to me was that the top search in Alaska was for Sonic. I had no idea that Sonic had made its way to the tundra, but apparently, there are three locations and they were searched for 800,000 times.
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