You Could Ruin Your Cell Phone’s Camera During the Eclipse

You've probably seen a lot of warnings by now about looking at the "ring of fire" eclipse that we will see in Texas on Saturday. Hopefully by now you know that it is a terrible idea to look directly at the sun even during an eclipse. Unless of course you have specialized lenses that are being given away and sold.
But your eyeballs aren't the only things that can ruined by the eclipse. According to experts, taking a picture or video of the eclipse with your cell phone camera is also a really bad idea.
According to KXAN, one researcher said that filming or holding the lens of the camera up to the eclipse could ruin the lens.
For those keen to snap a photo of the natural phenomenon, University of Colorado at Boulder Astronomer Doug Duncan advised keeping your cell phone camera down unless equipped with the proper gear.
“The lens of your camera, the lens of your phone or the lens of your eye will concentrate the sunlight and ruin your camera, your phone or your eye,” Duncan said.
“If you point your camera toward the sun and hold it there for any length of time, you’re going to concentrate so much heat, it’s going to ruin your phone camera, and you’re not going to get a good picture anyway,” he added.
Duncan isn't the only one warning people about taking pictures and filming with their cell phones. According to USA Today, one researcher claims that the sun could be too over powering for some cell phone models.
Though looking at the "ring of fire" on your cellphone screen won't damage your eyes, Scott Fisher, an astronomy lecturer at the University of Oregon told USA TODAY, there is a concern that the sun could be too overwhelming for some cell phone models.
Both experts recommend getting a solar filter for your camera lens if you plan on taking pictures or video of the eclipse.
Or better yet. Just enjoy the eclipse and put the phone down. The professionals will take all the pictures you'll need.
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