The end of the year usually means it’s time to celebrate all the good things this past year has given us. Awards season and the Oscar race are already ramping up, which means those of us who haven’t managed to see absolutely everything of quality have a lot of catching up to do before 2024 officially closes. But it also means, for all the haters out there, that it’s also time to celebrate the best of the worst, and there’s no streaming service more fun to do that with than Netflix, of course.

Because Netflix releases so much content every year, there’s bound to be some bad mixed in with the good. And there are plenty of good Netflix features from 2024, don’t get us wrong, but sometimes all we want to do is remember the dumb stuff. And there’s been some truly dumb stuff.

The year kicked off with a supremely boring effort from Kevin Hart to maximize on the current secret agent/heist movie craze, and didn’t get any better from there. From a forgettable high fantasy action movie starring Millie Bobby Brown and a CGI dragon to a passionless relationship drama that wanted to feel much more salacious than it was to a hilariously bad horror movie based on a true story of demonic possession to a movie that posited that Jennifer Lopez could befriend an artificially intelligent robot, Netflix truly had something for everyone this year, though it wasn’t always something everyone—or anyone—would like.

Come with us down this blessedly short memory lane while we describe to you everything terrible we watched in 2024, so you don’t have to.

The Worst Netflix Movies of 2024

Netflix released a lot of movies this year. Some were great! These were not.

Gallery Credit: Emma Stefansky

READ MORE: The Worst Blockbusters of 2024

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The Worst Blockbusters of 2024

Bigger is not always better at the movies, as these bad 2024 blockbusters prove.