Joyner Lucas Apologizes for Dissing Machine Gun Kelly
Joyner Lucas is apologizing after dissing Machine Gun Kelly during a tirade aimed at the Lallapalooza Festival earlier this week.
After previously blaming the incident on "Russian hackers," Joyner came clean on Saturday (March 26) on Twitter.
"A lot of people saying things about me 'crying and complaining' when shit don’t go my way," he started. "Lot of comments telling me to 'work harder and stop being emotional'… you know what? You right… I have a history of being upset at certain things and taking it to social media. I own that... Part of being a man is admitting when you fucked up. I be getting frustrated when I feel like I’m the underdog all the time. Maybe I ain’t put in enuff work.♂️ maybe I think I’m a bigger artist than what I actually am. Maybe you right. I own that. Real nigga shit."
He then apologized to Machine Gun Kelly for dissing the rapper-rocker, saying MGK was an innocent bystander of his anger. "As far as the @machinegunkelly shit Goes,, homie ain’t have nothing to do with my rant," Joyner continued. "Jus got caught in the cross fire of one of my bitter moments. Def sum sucka shit to come at him for nothin. I own that & I apologize. Real nigga shit. I ain’t perfect. Im growing everyday... I cant deny that sometimes i come off like a jealous asshole But that aint the case. Im a fan of these niggaz. I think I been the underdog for so long, shit made me feel like I deserve certain shit. But who tf am I to determine what i deserve? Sometimes I gotta check myself."
He added, "Lot of artists or people in general are afraid of checking themselves. I check myself all the time. I cant throw a Tantrum and shoot at niggaz for nothin. @machinegunkelly did absolutely nothin to me to deserve that lame tweet. If u readin this, I apologize dog. real nigga shit."
On Wednesday (March 23), Joyner went on an angry rant via Twitter aimed at Chicago's Lallapalooza Festival after feeling disrespected by the annual showcase.
"These festivals is gon stop playing with me like I ain’t that nigga," Joyner wrote. "Putting my name next to the names of a bunch of random niggaz that nobody heard of and offering me a weak ass. Then I say no to the offer and these hoe ass niggaz put me on the flier anyways. @lollapalooza."
"Then you got this goofy ass nigga headlining?" he added along with a photo of MGK. Smh how sway?"
MGK has yet to respond to Joyner's peace offering.