Kansas Police Confirm Stereotypes, Set Up Command Post in Doughnut Shop
In case you didn't get the memo, today is National Doughnut Day. The cops in Manhattan, KS must have decided that they needed to celebrate and they weren't going to be stopped by stereotypes or a federal investigation.
This morning, the Riley Country Police Department assisted Homeland Security, the US Postal Service Investigators, and ATF in an execution of a federal search warrant. According to the Little Apple Post, they decided that the perfect place to set up their command post was at a local Daylight Donuts.
I'm sure they'd like us to think that it was purely coincidental and that the doughnut shop was just a good strategic location, but we all know the truth.
And just in case you needed any more evidence to convict Kansas cops of loving doughnuts, the Olathe Police Department decided to go ahead and just throw this out there:
We've been training all year for this day #NationalDonutDay #Donutcurls #DonutDay
Posted by Olathe Police Department on Friday, June 5, 2015
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