We think we speak for everyone when we say, “When did Kellan Lutz get so jacked?” He had a ton of muscle before when filming the ‘Twilight’ movies, but as you can see from his Men’s Fitness cover, there’s barely a shirt out there now that can contain his pecs and shoulders.

His new film ‘Immortals,’ in which he plays Olympian God of the ocean Poseidon, has him shirtless for a great deal of the film. After working out relentlessly at the beach, and even on planes when flying to his film sets, Lutz now looks like a Greek God.

Forget teams Edward and Jacob. The behind-the-scenes video of his Men’s Fitness photo shoot will have you cheering for team Emmett.

Kellan Lutz at NY Fashion Week
Kellan Lutz in 'Immortals'
Kellan Lutz

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