Look Out Hollywood, State of the Art Movie Studio Being Built in Texas
Texas has been wanting to attract more filmmakers and this place will definitely get some attention.
So why do so many people film in California? One, they have the infrastructure for it. Massive studios with production facilities in house ready to accommodate motion pictures or television shows. Also, California scenery is great for shooting. Looks like one Texas city is ready to toss their hat into the ring. Probably a cowboy hat.
San Marcos, Texas has approved a state of the art film studio to be built in their city. Right in the middle of Texas hill country, which could be used as beautiful scenery for a film. Located right in the middle of Austin and San Antonio, it could attract more films for those areas as well.
The studio itself will sit on 209 acres of property. One of the most famous lots in Hollywood is the Warner Bros Lot, I may just think that because of Animaniacs.
For comparison that lot is only 110 acres. This one for San Marcos will have 12 sound stages, four workshops, backlots, production offices and commercial space. It will also include a 50-seat screening theater, a full-service restaurant, and coffee shop. Twenty-five acres will be reserved for vendor and commercial space.

The plan is to start construction in April next year and have everything complete by the end of 2025. The group believes this place can target major studios like Universal Pictures, Paramount Pictures, Warner Bros., Walt Disney Pictures and Columbia Pictures.
If it's cheaper to film in Texas than somewhere else, I think this can definitely attract some folks. I know a lot of stuff is filmed in Georgia because they offer MASSIVE tax breaks to film within the state. If Texas gets something like that, you can expect this studio to really take off.