More Mosquitoes Test Positive for West Nile In Wichita Falls
The Texas Department of State Health Services laboratory has confirmed that a twelfth sampling of mosquitoes from Wichita Falls has tested positive for West Nile Virus. The mosquitoes were collected from a trap placed in the city as part of the Wichita Falls-Wichita County Public Health District’s routine mosquito surveillance program. This is the fifth location within Wichita Falls that has yielded West Nile Virus positive mosquitoes this year.
The Health District says these mosquitoes are likely present throughout Wichita Falls due to the fact that mosquitoes can travel several miles from their breeding areas. Here are some tips from the Health District to protect yourself:
●Stay indoors when mosquitoes are most active. Dusk and dawn are the times of day when the insects are most prevalent and likely to bite.
●Wear DEET insect repellent. Always wear repellant when outdoors and choose products that contain DEET. Please follow instructions on product label.
●Dress in long sleeves and pants when outside. For extra protection, you may want to spray thin clothing with repellent.
●Drain standing water in your backyard and neighborhood–old tires, flowerpots and clogged rain gutters are just a few sites mosquitoes like to breed in.
The Health District’s Environmental Health Division will continue its integrated pest management program for mosquito control. To request spraying for adult mosquitoes in your area please call the Health District’s Vector Control line at 940-761-7890. For questions concerning the Health District’s mosquito abatement program please call 940-761-6808 or 7822. For specific questions about West Nile Virus disease call 940-761-7697. You can also visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website: