After threats from the hacker group Anonymous and death threats made against local officials, Texas officials have released more footage of Sandra Bland in jail in an attempt to set the record straight.

In a press conference earlier today, Waller County Judge Trey Duhon said that the footage was made public to counter-act misleading information and lies spread online,

This video should demonstrate that people who are out there going through a lot of trouble to spread lies and mis-truths on Waller County — we are not going to stand idly by and allow that to happen.

Though not wanting to release too many details on the alleged death threats against Waller County officials in the wake of Bland's death, Judge Duhon did say that they are investigating and taking every threat very seriously.

The new footage shows Bland in jail, changing into the orange jumpsuit seen in the much disputed mugshot, making phone calls, and being interviewed by officials.  Bland's family still maintains that she would not have committed suicide, but records from Bland's arrest show that Bland allegedly had a history of depression and admitted to attempting suicide in the past.

via NBC News and USA Today

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