North Texas Police Searching for Man Seen Urinating in a Vehicle Twice
Just when I thought I had seen it all, along comes a serial pisser.
Don’t get me wrong – I don’t put anything past human beings. We’re quite capable of doing some messed up stuff. But why the hell would somebody go and pee in someone’s car?
Back in November, a man was seen relieving himself in the victim’s vehicle on two separate occasions. The suspect is described as a male with a medium build, with dark hair, a beard, and glasses.

If you’re like me, you would assume that the guy peed in the vehicle to get back at someone who did him wrong. Maybe he’s getting revenge on an ex-lover or something along those lines.
But the victim commented on the Denton Department’s post about the crime on Facebook and said he has no earthly idea who the guy is. For me, it’s hard to imagine this being a random act since he did it not once, but twice in the same car. But I could certainly be wrong.
But seeing as the guy went as far as to break into the car (the victim claims the car was locked), it seems to me that these were pre-meditated acts.
Maybe it will come out that he’s done it to others and they just didn’t report it. Give the story a couple of days to gain some traction and who knows, other victims may come forward.
In the meantime, folks in Denton may want to look twice before climbing into their vehicles.