Sadie Robertson Reveals Her Baby Daughter’s Name Ahead of Her Birth
Duck Dynasty star Sadie Robertson and husband, Christian Huff, are days away from welcoming their first child into the world, but up until this point, they hadn't shared what she will be named.
That changed on Friday (April 23), when the expectant mother surprised fans on social media and revealed her baby girl's name — and it's the sweetest!
Honey James Huff is what the couple landed on, but revealing baby girl's name now, before she's born, was not the original plan. Due to fake accounts posing as the couple and releasing information that didn't come directly from them, they wanted to set the record straight.
"Going ahead and telling the world our sweet babies name because I would rather y’all hear it from me and christian then things going around,” Sadie expresses in a new post on Instagram. "This little girl and her name already mean the world to us 💛. Honey James Huff."
During her pregnancy, Robertson gave fans a hint that her daughter's name would be derived from the Bible. In the social post, she enlightens them that Proverbs 16:24 is where the name Honey came about.
"Gracious words are like HONEY, sweetness to the soul and health to the body," Robertson recites.
The former reality TV star also walked her fans down memory lane in explaining why the name "Honey" is so sentimental.
"On our first date we went to do pottery together and on my cup I simply wrote 'honey' (swipe) because I called him the boy with the honey words,” Robertson recalls. "Fast forward 2 and a half years later and we have a daughter on the way who we so proudly get to name after one of the loveliest words."
Don't mess with Robertson or Huff when is comes to spreading false information: Robertson reminds her followers that unless you hear information directly from the couple as it pertains to their family, don't believe it.
"Moving forward if you see Instagram accounts of her they are not real. We will make our own when she is born."
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