Texas Restaurant Kicks Out Customers for Wearing MasksTexas Restaurant Kicks Out Customers for Wearing MasksWe have seen the other side of this story the past few months. People refusing to wear masks and getting kicked out of establishments. This time a couple was kicked out for wearing a mask.Eric The InternEric The Intern
These Wichita Falls Retailers Have Updated Their Mask PoliciesThese Wichita Falls Retailers Have Updated Their Mask PoliciesSeveral major retailers have recently updated their mask policies.Johnny ThrashJohnny Thrash
Places in Wichita Falls Where You Will Still Be Required to Wear a MaskPlaces in Wichita Falls Where You Will Still Be Required to Wear a MaskThe big news yesterday from Governor Greg Abbott was all businesses can open at 100% capacity and the mask mandate will end next Wednesday.Eric The InternEric The Intern
No Mask Protest Outside of Texas Restaurant Ended Up Bringing in More BusinessNo Mask Protest Outside of Texas Restaurant Ended Up Bringing in More BusinessA protest on Saturday that ended up really hurting a Houston restaurant has now turned a negative, into a positive.Eric The InternEric The Intern
Texas School District Openly Defying State Mask Mandate in SchoolsTexas School District Openly Defying State Mask Mandate in SchoolsBy looking around town you wouldn't think a mask mandate is still in effect, it still is by the way. Eric The InternEric The Intern
Texas Teacher Fired for Wearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ Face MaskTexas Teacher Fired for Wearing ‘Black Lives Matter’ Face MaskShe was warned several times, but she decided that this is a conversation that should be had.Eric The InternEric The Intern
Texas Woman Breaks Down Into Tears When She’s Denied Service for Not Wearing a MaskTexas Woman Breaks Down Into Tears When She’s Denied Service for Not Wearing a MaskI know this post is going to make some people angry, but I believe this woman is faking it.Eric The InternEric The Intern