Joseph Quinn Recalls ‘Stupid’ Moment He Met Taylor SwiftJoseph Quinn Recalls ‘Stupid’ Moment He Met Taylor SwiftJoseph Quinn is glad Taylor Swift was so "good-humored" about the "stupid" moment they first met.BANG ShowbizBANG Showbiz
‘Stranger Things’ Metalhead Eddie Munson Based on West Memphis Three’s Damien Echols‘Stranger Things’ Metalhead Eddie Munson Based on West Memphis Three’s Damien EcholsHe was also accused due to his appearance.Philip TrappPhilip Trapp
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Joseph Quinn Channels Eddie Munson While Narrating ‘The Lords of the Fallen’ Game TrailerJoseph Quinn Channels Eddie Munson While Narrating ‘The Lords of the Fallen’ Game TrailerThe actor brought back his iconic Eddie accent for the trailer.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
How Eddie Munson Saved ‘Stranger Things’ Actor Joseph Quinn at ImmigrationHow Eddie Munson Saved ‘Stranger Things’ Actor Joseph Quinn at Immigration'Leave Eddie alone!'Chad ChildersChad Childers