
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Best Selling Space Heater on Amazon
Whether you're stocking up for an emergency kit (in case your power grid fails) or you'd just like to keep warm this winter without racking up your electric bill, this little space heater is the perfect solution! It packs a punch. with over 23,000 reviews and a 4.5-star rating, it's sure to leave you feeling warm and toasty.
Six Stellar Christmas Stocking Holders
Six Stellar Christmas Stocking Holders
Six Stellar Christmas Stocking Holders
Now that Halloween is comfortably behind us, it's time to break out the Christmas decorations. Whether or not you have a fireplace, hanging stockings with care can be part of your holiday decorating this year. I've scoured Amazon for the best Christmas stocking holders - including those that don't require a mantle or fireplace. Take a look!
Stay Cozy with Electric Fireplaces
Stay Cozy with Electric Fireplaces
Stay Cozy with Electric Fireplaces
When I was living in an apartment, one of the things I missed the most was cozying up in front of a crackling fireplace. However, apartment or not, sometimes having a fireplace simply isn’t an option. Thankfully, electric fireplaces are a great alternative and provide some nice ambiance and warmth. I’ve rounded up a variety of electric fireplaces that you can find on Amazon, so take a look!
Sling Backpacks: The New Man Purse
Sling Backpacks: The New Man Purse
Sling Backpacks: The New Man Purse
Don’t let the moniker fool you: sling backpacks are more than just a masculine fashion accessory. Whether you’re out on the town or on the trail, it helps to have something to carry all of your important stuff. Sling backpacks combine utility with style so you can keep your hands free and pockets empty. Take a look at some of these high-quality sling backpacks that are available for great prices on Amazon!
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
Four Best Selling Stand Mixers on Amazon
I love having a stand mixer in my kitchen. It's great because it makes you feel fancy and it also is perfect for making cookies or bread or cakes! It has way more versatility than your standard hand mixer (though there's certainly something to be said for how easy it is to whip out your hand mixer for cookies or some banana bread. But when you need to mix a cake on medium for a solid eight minutes, standing there with a hand mixer might as well be torture. Maybe that's just me. Anyways, I've put together a short list of best-selling stand mixers with amazing reviews!
Eight Essential Sleeping Bags
Eight Essential Sleeping Bags
Eight Essential Sleeping Bags
Ah, the great outdoors! There are very few things more invigorating than going for a hike or sleeping under the stars. No matter what your favorite outdoorsy activity might be, it’s a good idea to pack a sleeping bag so you can stay cozy on your camping trip. Or if you’re more of the indoorsy type, you’d still benefit from having a sleeping bag on standby just in case you get invited to a sleepover! Whatever the occasion might be, take a look at these eight sleeping bags with stellar Amazon reviews!
Sip Spirits in Style with Bourbon Snifters
Sip Spirits in Style with Bourbon Snifters
Sip Spirits in Style with Bourbon Snifters
Whether you're a seasoned bourbon drinker or a novice looking to get serious about your spirits, you're going to want a high-quality snifter glass. Snifter glasses can come in a variety of different shapes and sizes, but they're all designed to enhance the bourbon-drinking experience. By bringing the unique blend of the spirit's aromas to the forefront, bourbon snifters deliver a richer, fuller taste. Want to know the best part of all? Bourbon snifters can be used for whiskey and brandy as well! So if you want to boost the flavor and aroma of your favorite spirits, take a look at these snifter glasses and get ready to sip your spirits in style.
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
The Best Pumpkin Carving Kits on Amazon
Some of my favorite Halloween memories are scooping out a pumpkin and carving a cute face for the perfect Jack-o’-Lantern – with a parent’s supervision, of course. Pumpkin carving is here to stay, and nowadays there are a lot of pumpkin carving kits that make it easier than ever before. Some of them don’t even need knives! Take a look at this list of pumpkin carving kits I’ve put together and prepare your perfect Jack-o’-Lantern for Halloween.
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Six Cute and Festive Trick or Treat Buckets
Listen, trick or treating is hard work. It takes a strong, determined kid to carry buckets of candy from house to house. As the night goes on, this task becomes more challenging as the collection of candy grows bigger and heavier. Every trick or treater needs to have have a sturdy trick-or-treat bucket to transport the goods and bring everything home safely. This is why I’ve put together a list of the most promising trick or treat buckets so you can be prepared for the big night!
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Eight Fall Accessories to Spice Up Your Wardrobe
Fall is my favorite time of the year! It's the perfect time to add some cute new accessories to your outfits! Plus, some of these can be used year-round but have a definite fall vibe that'll get you in the spirit for pumpkin spice lattes, apple cider and pumpkin carving! Here's my hand-selected list of cute accessories for your fall wardrobe!
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
Spookiest Halloween Decorations on Amazon
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: spooky season! Jack-O-Lanterns, candy corn, black cats, vampire bats, skeletons, ghosts and witches oh my! There are so many options for Halloween decorations, it can be downright scary. Whether you’re throwing a Halloween-themed party or want to decorate your yard to delight trick-or-treaters, there are a lot of different options to choose from. But don't worry: I've put together this list of the spookiest Halloween decorations on Amazon, so check it out!
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Top Water Filtration Systems on Amazon
Water filtration is super important for removing contaminants from your water supply! It also provides a crisper, more refreshing tasting water- far superior to bottled water. Plus, it's better for the environment- no plastic bottles in a landfill for us! Here's a list of Amazon's best rated water filtration systems!

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