Texas High School Student Pleads Guilty to Putting Anti-Freeze in Classmate’s Drink
She also will not be facing any jail time.
Over in Comal County, Texas an incident from 2017 is finally coming to an end. Back then, Paige Jackson was a senior at Smithson Valley High School. She has now admitted that she put anti-freeze in a girl's soda before school started in November of that year.
Why would she do such a thing? This girl was now dating her ex-boyfriend and she was upset about this. Jackson was expelled after the incident surfaced and has received her sentencing this week from a judge. She was officially charged with tampering with a consumer product. She will not be facing any jail time.
She was instead sentenced to 10 years probation as well as 400 hours of community service, according to Comal County records. The court ruled that Jackson's probation could not be terminated early. Jackson was also ordered to "write an apology letter...within 90 days of sentencing," by the court.