Here is the complete, uncut interview of Tony Kerns with "3 Ways To Kill A Mook" directors Jesse Johnson and Nick Turnbow.  When we say "uncut", don't worry, its still safe to listen to at work.  You just get a few extra stories like Nick being hit in the head with a coke bottle by a teacher almost 13 years ago.  Also, Jesse has provided us with a few on-set pictures of the filming in action.

Jesse and Nick's intentions were to not only make a great film, but to help get attention to Wichita Falls as a viable location for filming movies.  With the help of friends, family and Hollywood-level equipment, Jesse and Nick have put together a fantastic film worthy of Hollywood's attention.   Show your support by "liking" them on Facebook!

Complete Interview

Part 1

Part 2

Pics of filming!



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