Watch Baby’s Adorable Reaction to Having Hearing Aids Turned On
Norah Lynne Mello was born on October 31, 2019, at Tobey Hospital in Wareham, Massachusetts.
This Halloween baby was a little miracle for mommy, Amanda and daddy, Cory. Norah was born with some medical issues and had to spend 72 days in the NICU at Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island. On Saturday, January 11, 2020, the Mellos were able to bring their pumpkin home. Cory and Amanda knew that this sweet little girl was going to have some challenges in the future, but they were ready to face them together.
At three weeks old, Norah’s doctors determined that she could possibly have mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss.
“She had an Auditory Brainstem Response (ARB) test done at about six weeks old to confirm her diagnosis. We always knew there was a chance she would have hearing loss because her older brother, Brody has it. When she failed her newborn hearing test in the NICU, we were ready to tackle it. Brody prepared us for the steps to take with Norah. They both have the same hearing loss which makes everything that much easier.”
Amanda shared a touching video of the milestone moment when Norah tried out her hearing aids for the first time on Thursday, April 30. At 6 months old, she was able to hear her parents for the first time.
“She got her hearing aids today and let me tell you she lit up the whole room. Knowing your child has a disability can be hard, but it’s truly a blessing. It humbles you beyond belief. Norah is the happiest baby in the world, and trust me she’s even happier to hear us that much clearer!”
Cory was in awe to see how excited Norah got at the sound of his voice. All smiles from father and daughter. “When she heard my voice and instantly smiled, it truly melted my heart.”
There is no doubt that Brody will show Norah the ropes and the two will always have a close bond. The Mellos oldest child, Kenadie, will look after her younger siblings as well.
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