And we now have our Butler Media Games final game players!  These ticket holders have a 1 in 8 chance of winning the $4000 Sony 3D HD Home Theater System from Butler Alarm Service.  They will meet at Butler Alarm Service, 4204 Jacksboro Hwy, Wichita Falls by 6:45pm TONIGHT to play the game at 7pm.  Stop by and see the fun happen!  Plus, Tim Butler is still raffling off an alarm system that you can register for until after the Final Media Game is won.  Make it out to watch and win!  Joshua David will be there doing the remote from 6pm-8pm.

Best Photo Shop Ticket Winner:

Robert Penton

Best Photo Ticket Winner:

Angela Pennartz

Best Song:

Casey Pilgreen

Worst TV Setup:

Mike Pennartz

Drawing/Trivia Ticket Winners:

Sara Hamlin

Alfred Wells

Jason Young

Dustin Barboza


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