Weird Texas Liquor Laws You Might Not Know About or Remember
It's always important to know the law in Texas, but our liquor laws can be a little confusing sometimes. So let's break down some of the strange ones.
Liquor Stores Can Not Be Open on Sundays
Let's get the easiest one out of the way. Thanks to the old Texas blue laws, it is still illegal for a liquor store to operate on Sundays and certain holidays as well.
Parents Can Buy Their Underage Children Alcohol
Out to eat at a restaurant with your underage child and want them to have a drink? Go right ahead, however your child could be charged with public intoxication if they were to get too hammered. So one drink you would probably be in the clear.
Married Couple Could Buy Their Underage Spouse a Drink
This one actually falls in line with the same law as above. Let's say you're 21 when you get married, but your significant other is not of legal age yet? Well, you can buy them alcohol without facing any punishment.
Prohibition Still Enforced in Some Parts of Texas
Prohibition ended in 1933, but some parts of Texas are still dry. In fact, some major cities still have dry precincts. For instance, parts of Houston do not allow you to have a drink unless you join their 'private club'. That's right, you're a member now so you can drink in the precinct. This could be a small fee or simply handing over your driver's license. If you choose not to do this, no alcohol for you in certain parts of Texas. Some parts of Texas are completely dry and have no alcohol whatsoever.
Texas Breweries Could Not Call Certain Beers...Beer?
This one went away in 2012, but what does a brewery do? They brew beer, right? Well before 2012 in Texas if your 'beer' was over 4 percent. The state of Texas said you cannot legally call that beer. Breweries used words like ale to get around this. Nowadays if you want to call it a beer you can, BUT alcohol percentage must always be listed.
You Will Never See a Coupon for Alcohol in Texas
Well I guess you could see it, but that company is definitely breaking the law if they do. You can show discounted prices of course, but you can't say bring this paper in for two bucks off a case of beer. You can offer discounted alcohol with the purchase of a meal at a restaurant in Texas though.
New Braunfels Once Banned Alcohol While Floating Down the River
Floating down the river is a Texas summer tradition and a popular place to go is New Braunfels, Texas. For two years, they had a law on the books banning canned beverages in the river. In 2014 a Texas state court ruled the law unconstitutional saying that the city did not have the rights to enforce this law on the river. Canned alcohol has been back ever since.
It Was Illegal to Open a Liquor Store in Texas If You Were Not in Texas
Want to open a liquor store in Texas, but live in Arkansas? You were out of luck until 1994. This law tried to make a comeback fairly recently, but it did not happen.
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