Wichita County Sheriff’s Office to Begin the latest Citizen Academy, Hiring Detention Officers
The Wichita County Sheriff’s Office is now hiring Detention Officers. If you are interested in a fun and rewarding career, you can pick up an application at the Sheriff’s Office located at the Wichita County Courthouse, 900 7th Street or contact the Training Unit at 940-766-8254. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, have a valid driver’s license and have no felony convictions.
The Wichita County Sheriff’s Office Citizen’s Academy will start on Thursday September 3. The class is fourteen weeks long and is held every Thursday from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Only 25 applicants are accepted for each class. Those accepted into the program will get to experience virtually all of the aspects of the working life of a deputy sheriff.
You can print off an application on line by going to www.wichitacountysheriffsoffice.org or pickup one up at the Sheriff’s Office Located at 900 7th Street. For more information, contact Deputy Melvin Joyner at 940-716-8676 or Deputy Brien Conner at 940-716-8678.