Wichita Falls Circle Trail Moving One Step Closer to Completion
The Wichita Falls Circle Trail project has been the subject of both praise and ridicule within the community, with much of the latter likely coming from folks who never use it and never will. City leaders believe it to be a crucial part of ‘quality of life’ to both current and future citizens. Judging by the number of people we see on the trail each week it seems the quality has more than come through for many.
You may remember that a couple of last years bond initiatives included money to finish the Circle Trail. Voters defeated all but one of the seven initiatives and that one did not include mon for the trail. Funding has been secured for two of three connector trails needed to complete the 24-mile-long circle, a project that actually began 32 years ago.
On Monday, the City of Wichita Falls officially began accepting bids to complete one the two connectors. The Loop 11 trail section, that currently dead ends at the Loop 11 bridge across the Wichita River, will continue on to Lucy Park. The $2.3 million-dollar project will finish in late spring or early summer 2020. The second section, from Barnett Road to Seymour Highway, should be up for bids by late summer.