It's a MIRACLE this guy survived this accident.  And there's a 100% chance you'll agree when you see the X-ray.

Earlier this month, 86-year-old Leroy Luetscher of Green Valley, Arizona was working in the yard.  He was using a small pair of gardening shears to prune some bushes, and he dropped them.  They landed on the ground, handles pointing up.

When Leroy reached down to pick them up, he fell face-first.  One of the handles went THROUGH HIS EYE SOCKET . . . behind his nose . . . and ended up mostly down his throat.  The other side of the handle was still sticking out of his eye socket.

He was rushed to University Medical Center in Tucson.  Surgeons there somehow managed to remove the shears, completely rebuild his eye area, AND save his vision.

It's been about four weeks since then, and Leroy still has bruising and some minor damage . . . but he can see out of the eye.


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