Many brides stress about their wedding day. With so much to plan, it’s understandable. When a couple can relax and have fun on their big day, it makes the whole event so much more worthwhile. This couple knows exactly what to do to have fun. They teamed up with their wedding party and their photographer to create what is being called the best wedding photo ever.

The happy terrified couple is Katie Young and James Lowder of Louisiana. The photo is the brainchild of Quinn Miller, a 22-year-old photographer who knew the groom for some time prior to the wedding. He pitched the idea to Lowder a few days prior to the event and he was all for it. What you see was taken in one shot, with Miller adding the dinosaur digitally.

In my opinion, the couple should blow up this photo and hang it on the mantle for all to see. What do you think? Is it the best wedding photo ever?


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