Ohio Woman Panhandles for a Boob Job
What do you do when you absolutely HAVE to have a boob job but you don't have enough money? Well, thank God for entrepreneurs! 37-year-old Chrissy Lance of Rittman, Ohio wants a boob job. But she works in a bar, and can't afford the $5,000 that new boobs would cost right now. So she's decided to raise the money by . . . PANHANDLING.
Each day, Chrissy goes to in Akron to beg for money by a stoplight. She even got a panhandling license from the city. Yes, you can actually do that. She wears a bikini, sits on a motorcycle, and holds a sign that says, "Not Homeless! Need Boobs."
We're not sure how many days she's been out there, but it's not going well. So far, she's only managed to collect about $90. As for why she's going to all the trouble, she says new cans would, quote, "help improve her self esteem."
Sure it will!