Chris Callaway grew up in Lawton and graduated from Eisenhower High School and Cameron University. In radio , he has worked all over the country and abroad including stints in Savannah, GA, Indianapolis, In, Huntsville, AL, Jacksonville, FL, Shreveport, LA, and even Grand Cayman Island. Chris is proud to be back home in Texhoma, working at the radio station the he grew up listening to! He is married to Melody and has two children, Mary Katherine, and Clay. He enjoys any type of free time, golf, books, and anything that relates to history. (Bet you didn’t see that coming!) Check Chris out from 3-7 Monday through Saturday on 929 NIN!
Chris Callaway
Over One-Thousand Texomans Sign Banner for Newtown Connecticut
Like the rest of the country, Texomans were hit hard by the tragedy that transpired last Friday at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. The unimaginable incident that claimed the lives of 26 people, including 20 first graders had left many wanting to send condolences and words of encouragement to the small northeastern community.
AWOLNATION Offers Free Download of ‘Sail’
AWOLNATION has sold over 2 million copies of the single "Sail". Do you know this song?
Check Out Scarlett Johansson’s Ugly New Tattoo
When people decide something is art, then it's art ,no matter how crappy it looks. And, Scarlett Johansson's new tattoo is a testament to that.
No More Deodorant? Remove Your B.O. With Candy
This product should become a best-seller in the U.S, because it's an opportunity for us to be lazier and eat candy! There's a Bulgarian candy called Deo Perfume Candy. Instead of taking 30 seconds to put on deodorant, you just eat one of these candies, and it emits a scent from your skin that covers up your natural body odor for up to six hours.
It’s Old High Vs. Rider Week! Which School Has More Spirit? [POLL]
It's time for the biggest rivalry game in Wichita Falls as the Old High Coyotes tangle with the Rider Raiders this coming Friday night at Memorial Stadium. Click through to vote for your favorite school!
10 Cool Things You Didn’t Know About Taylor Swift
At only 22 it cannot be argued that Taylor Swift is one of the premiere, if not THE premiere female entertainers in the world. Again, she's only 22, and already has accumulated over 80 million dollars in net worth. You may think you know everything there is to know about the singer/songwriter, but here's a list of ten facts you probably didn't know....
You’ll Never Guess What This Man Put on His Wife’s Tombstone
This guy's wife made him promise to get something engraved on her tombstone that would cause him to remember her forever and keep him from "chasing other women."
Someone Paid $10,000 for a Gallon Jug of McDonald’s McJordan Barbecue Sauce
Money to burn. I have to wonder why ANYONE would pay $10,000 for 20-year-old barbecue sauce. Especially 20-year -old McDonald's barbecue sauce. But, It just happened.
Kidd’s Kids Day a Huge Success in Texoma
Another year, and another successful Kidd's Kids Day in Texoma!
Check Out ‘Gangnam Style’ Vs. ‘Ghostbusters’ [VIDEO]
This has to be one of the best mash-ups I have ever heard. I always thought that Psy's "Gangnam Style" reminded me of the theme from "Ghostbusters" and now this mash-up proves it.
See Kim Kardashian’s Sexy Halloween Costume Here
Kim Kardashian revealed one of her Halloween Costumes via Twitter yesterday. As you can guess it was classy, understated, and shows very little cleavage... NOT! Check it out after the jump!
The 5 Most Popular Pranks to Play on Friends
Nothing makes my day quite like a great prank played on somebody you like. Now, according to a survey of young adults by a candy company called Maynards, technology makes it easier for people to prank their friends, but the old-school ways are still the best...