Oklahoma Bar Owners Suing Governor Over Current Restrictions
Bars in Oklahoma have to shut down at 11 PM. Bar owners are pretty mad and are trying to fight back.
Just over a week ago, we reported that Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt was forcing Oklahoma Bars and Restaurants to shut down at 11 PM. “We need to pull together. Oklahoma, I need your help but more importantly, our doctors, our nurses, our healthcare professionals and hospitals need your help," the Governor said at his press conference nine days ago.
During that time, bar owners have complied with the governor's new restrictions, but some of them are sick of being the ones blamed for the increase in coronavirus cases throughout the state. Seven bar owners have teamed up and are currently suing the Governor. The lawsuit claims the city doesn't have the authority to enforce the rule.
“You’re taking the prime time for these businesses away from them, so what are they going to open just for a few hours then shut down?" asked attorney Steve Urbanic. Urbanic also claims the rule violates the 14th amendment, saying bars a being forced to close early while other businesses can stay open.
The case has been moved to federal court. Urbanic hopes to have a hearing later today on the case. We will see if anything comes out of this lawsuit or if the state of Oklahoma is able to help out these businesses that are being forced to close down when they make the majority of their income.
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