There are some big churches in Texas -- and then there are some MEGAchurches. Over 200. actually. Take a look at the 10 biggest churches in the Lone Star State
Today is Ash Wednesday, which marks the beginning Lent – a forty-day period in which we Christians (not just Catholics) take time to repent and reflect on our faith.
While speaking to Fox News, former Wichita Falls pastor Robert Jeffress suggested that teaching the 10 Commandments in school would help prevent school shootings.
With controversial religious liberty laws getting public attention lately, an Idaho girl is challenging one law that protects parents who refuse medical treatment for their children.
An East Texas school district has come under fire for painting religious quotes on school walls, some of which are incorrectly attributed to Presidents Washington and Reagan.
It’s important to some who observe the Muslim faith to distance themselves from those images, persons and items that might provoke sexual thoughts.
But is produce really one of those things?
Actress Susan Sarandon is under fire from the Catholic League after calling Pope Benedict XVI a “Nazi” during a recent interview.
When telling filmmaker Bob Balaban about sending the pope a copy of the book ‘Dead Men Walking,’ which inspired the film for which she won a 1995 Oscar, she said she meant Pope John Paul II and “not this Nazi one we have now.”