Texas School Uses False Reagan and Washington Quotes to Promote Christianity
An East Texas school district has come under fire for painting religious quotes on school walls, some of which are incorrectly attributed to Presidents Washington and Reagan.
According to the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF), the Mount Vernon Independent School District has posted around 130 quotes on its schools' walls over the past four years. Among the posted quotes are "It is impossible to govern a nation without God and the Bible," and "Within the covers of the Bible are the answers for all the problems men face," which were incorrectly attributed to Presidents George Washington and Ronald Reagan, respectively.
FFRF attorney Sam Grover sent a letter to the MVISD Superintendent John Kaufman, dated July 31st, requesting the removal of the quotes that unconstitutionally promote religion in the public schools. According to the letter, Grover originally sent a letter to Kaufman in October and corresponded with Kaufman in February. In the letter, Grover says that the quotes are a violation of the Establishment Clause of the U.S. Constitution and violate the rights of the students,
When MVISD manipulates historical quotes by removing context and isolating lines that promote Christianity or religion in general, it violates the right of conscience of its students.
According to a separate statement issued by Grover,
The district cannot even fall back on the argument that these quotes have educational merit, given the many examples of misquotes, misattributions, and entirely fraudulent quotes displayed on its walls. The district sets a poor example for its students if it cannot be bothered to fact check the messages it chooses to endorse.
via Raw Story