Texas Cop Rescues Terrified Dog From Aransas Pass Harbor [VIDEO]
Usually, cops on the Aransas Pass Police Department don't just pull off their shirt and go jumping into the harbor for a swim. When Cpl. J.D. Hinojosa pulled up on Officer Nick Harwood about to get in the water, he knew there had to be something else going on. He was right.
As you can see in the video captured by the supervisor's body cam, there was more than just cooling off in the water on Officer Harwood's mind. A pair of Siberian Huskies that had ran away from their owner had been found, and one of them was stuck in the Harbor.
Harwood went in and lifted the terrified pup to safety. Cpl. Hinojosa stayed out of the water but wasn't afraid to help pull the dog up. According to the Aransas Pass PD facebook page, this wasn't his first time dealing with a dog, "Cpl. Hinojosa has been bitten 4 times in his 15 year career. He loves all animals but usually from a safe distance lol"
Of course, even being a hero to dogs everywhere doesn't come without it's downside. After the everything was taken care of, not only was Harwood caught in his tighty whities for the whole world to see, but he also had to hear his supervisor serenade him with his version of Mariah Carey's song 'Hero.'