Texas’ Open Carry Sword Law Has Now Been in Effect For One Year
A law that allows Texans to carry blades exceeding 5 and a half inches has been in effect for one year now. Have you seen anyone walking around with a sword or spear yet?
HB 1935, introduced by Texas House Rep. John Frullo, R-Lubbock, underwent scrutiny after a man with a hunting knife killed one and injured three others at the University of Texas. As part of a compromise, blades that were once considered illegal were changed to "location restricted," as of September 1, 2017. According to GoSanAngelo.com, such restricted locations include...
- Bars and restaurants that derive 51 percent or more of their income from the sale or service of alcoholic beverages for on-premise consumption,
- Schools and universities,
- Polling places,
- Secure areas of airports,
- Racetracks,
- High school, collegiate or professional sporting events (unless the person is a participant in the event and a location-restricted knife is used in the event),
- Correctional facilities,
- Hospitals, nursing homes, and mental hospitals (unless written authorization is given),
- Amusement parks,
- Established places of religious worship.
And please remember, if you encounter someone carrying a sword down the street, the proper response is, "There can be only one..."
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