Where Does Whataburger Rank Compared to Other Restaurant Chains?
We know that saying anything negative against Whataburger is fightin' words in Texas. But how does it match up to other restaurant chains in America?
Rankr has an ongoing list of the best American restaurant chains, and its not going to sit well with Texans. The list opens with Chick-fil-A taking the top spot, but those looking to see where Whataburger is are going to have to scroll a bit. Not a top 10 restaurant, nor top 20. You'll have to scroll through the 30s and 40s to get to Whataburger currently sitting at 56 (at the time of this post).
Yep, Whataburger is ranked in the 50s behind other burger chains like Carl's Jr, White Castle, A&W, Sonic, Burger King, Red Robin, and Wendy's.
What are you thoughts on this results of this list? Let us know in the comments below!