
Shakira Loves Breastfeeding So Much, She Plans to Do It Until Her Son Goes to College
Shakira Loves Breastfeeding So Much, She Plans to Do It Until Her Son Goes to College
Shakira Loves Breastfeeding So Much, She Plans to Do It Until Her Son Goes to College
Breastfeeding is a hot-button topic in the world of motherhood, with some arguing against the practice, others for it or fighting to extend it or fighting to shorten it, yada yada yada. Well apparently Shakira is all for breastfeeding her son Milan as long as possible. In fact, she loves it so much that she has some rather disturbing plans that could redefine the "family dinner" as we kn
Shakira Gives Birth to Baby Boy!
Shakira Gives Birth to Baby Boy!
Shakira Gives Birth to Baby Boy!
Days after they hosted an online baby shower for UNICEF, Colombian superstar Shakira and her husband, Gerard Piqué, have announced the birth of their first child - a beautiful (we're assuming) and healthy baby boy!
Shakira Hosts Online Baby Shower for UNICEF
Shakira Hosts Online Baby Shower for UNICEF
Shakira Hosts Online Baby Shower for UNICEF
Shakira is expecting her first child – a boy! -- this year and in lieu of a big, flashy, celeb-slathered baby shower with blue-wrapped gifts, the pop diva and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador held an online baby shower with baby daddy, footballer and trickster Gerard Pique. Their shower was a humanitarian effort to aid the world's most vulnerable babies. That's incredibly honorable of the couple to cons
Shakira Sued for $100 Million by Ex-Boyfriend
Shakira Sued for $100 Million by Ex-Boyfriend
Shakira Sued for $100 Million by Ex-Boyfriend
Poor Shakira. The Colombian diva, who is expecting her first child with soccer star Gerard Pique, is being sued to the tune of $100 million by her former boyfriend and business partner. That's a whole lot of money to seek from his ex, but he claims to have good reason. He alleges that their business relationship soured after the romance died. Who needs this headache when there is a bun in the oven

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