Big Al’s Moment of Redemption, His Perfect Wedding Gift to Kellie
Years ago, Big Al struck out with his wedding gift to Kellie, he gave her a riding lawnmower, which was about as far off as one could be from any wedding gift.
Big Al was so giddy with excitement he could barely contain himself. He met a woman and, after discussing some professional things, she mentioned something and Big Al felt like he had found gold.
Apparently, Kellie had mentioned twice a very specific wedding gift she would like and by some force of nature this lady was his ticket to purchasing that very thing. After 2 minutes on her cell, and by text she had located the prize and Big Al whipped out his check book right there and made the purchase.
Check out the show, it's really sweet to hear how excited he is and your guess is as good as mine when it comes to him actually being able to wait until the wedding day to give it to her. In the meantime, he can gloat in his glory of finding the one perfect gift.