Parents you set curfews for a good reason. Well this daughter did not think her curfew should end so she thought of an interesting way to extend it.

A Rocklin, Calif., 15-year-old and her friend have been booked into Placer County Juvenile Hall after allegedly serving her parents sleeping pill-laced milkshakes to sidestep the household's 10 p.m. Internet cutoff time. I would be a little suspicious of my kid handing me a milkshake. I would be like "What did you do?"

After downing about a quarter of the shakes, the parents were out cold, leaving the girls to browse to their heart's content. A legal advice search would have been wise; when the parents woke up feeling suspiciously groggy, they picked up some $5 drug test kits and tested themselves. A quick call to the cops, and the girls were hauled off.

So parents lesson here, do not trust your kids when they bring you food. Unless its your birthday, actually still be careful.

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