If you spent a lot of time in Texas diners growing up, then you are likely familiar with ‘diner pets’. If not, then you better stick around because I am going to enlighten you.

Imagine you are at a diner with your family, sitting around a slightly sticky table as you smell pancakes and coffee, and hear the chatter of other groups sitting around you. Your server is a kind older woman that has been working there as long as you’ve been alive, and you are eagerly waiting for her to bring you your food.

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How are you going to pass the time?

While your parents sip on their coffee, you are looking for some way to occupy yourself and kill time before the food arrives. You take a look around at what is on the table and spot creamer, a variety of sugar packets, and assorted flavors of jelly.

You know you have to leave the creamer alone for your parent’s coffee, but the sugar and jelly is fair game. So, you open up a jelly packet, the flavor doesn’t matter, and set it on the table. You then rip open a sugar packet and pour the sugar right on top of the jelly.

Your first instinct might be to eat your creation, but that is not it’s purpose. You are meant to spread the sugar evenly across the jelly’s surface in order to create your very own ‘diner pet’.

How is that a ‘pet’?

Somehow, the sensation of the sugar on top of the jelly kind of feels like you are petting a small creature, making it a ‘pet’.

If you are still confused, check out this video showing the process of making one.

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