Part-Time Justin Purchases a Romper and Finds Some Pearls
Not only did Part-Time Justin purchase his very own romper from Asia but he also was given a very special gift from a listener while on his road trip. Now, these were gifts for him to disperse to his fellow cast mates when back home, oysters anyone?
Yes, he was given oysters and a letter for everyone, but nobody seemed interested in opening them. Part-Time Justin didn't waste any time though, he opened them and actually found pearls!
Feeling a bit elated he decided to gather them up and head off to the jeweler and see how much they might be worth, probably not the first thing to come to your mind.
After many stops he finally was able to find a jeweler who appraised them, all six of them for $20. Part-Time Justin has been on quite a budget lately since his trip, at least he now has $20 than he did yesterday!